Labels:text | menu | screenshot | document OCR: TABLE 1 .. TRAINING CENTERS # youare considering hiring a trainer to come to your site, it may be easier to contact larger training organizations or cal the vendors directly. Here is a list of contact information for national training companies 30cm Santa Clara, CA HTR Teknontogy Education Centers Dallas TX 800, 847-69727 RockVise, MD. Education Centers 8001 882-6420 Fremont. CA 210) 373-9998 http: // htp: / 800) 444-7300 Antisch Trets Network Services IBM1 Professional Certification New Horizons Comix fler teaming Boston, MA 800) 233-5564 Derters 508) 485 7200 bin: vaatw 800) 426 8322 SaITA Ana, CA. hupy / http: / om combusedp 800) 633 7763 trellisy tesisnet com! Astron. info Image workgroup University USComicch Drem: UT Proenix, AZ (800) 2631995 800) 489-9513 (203) 977-1175 champs workgroup _university 8001 233-3232 http:/corp novel/com \educat valino Santa Ana, CA. Productivity Point Manchester NH 7500)8324595 (80012349220 HinsdaleNL 800)3708258 800)8480960 http:// Bay Networks PTS Learing Systems Wave Technologies Santa Clara , CA 800)252-6926 Knowledge A range (former? Random Access/Training Access) St. Louis, MO Kind of Prussia, PA 800) 229-3210 1800) 828 2050 Cisco Systems 303) 338 7130 ittov / wwwipts info@ http://www .. Santa Cruz Operaticon 50015536367 Westcon Services Lotus Development Santa Cruz, CA 800) 726-8549 Eastchester, NY 800 5268322 10 indexshit 800):346-6409 johnsone westse Digital Equipment compuSerie: GO LOTUS Sun Microsystems In addition, the Communications, 800) 332-6656 Corp. of America maintains a Microsoft 800) 422-8020 general home page of outhurend. atene shwww.digitalcom info yearning REDmonD, INS Lotus? Microsoft und Nurel Sals. html 800)688-0496 education cerers. http: = mseccent/e&cmap zip Sinitrex CompuSane: GO MECFORUM valley Forge, PA (800) 472-8361 4041 667 7700 The Whicons 95 Microsoft Network 610) 650 3300 http:/ /www. also cifers the Microsoft On-Line Institute mollquest @